Michael Shraibman
In these days, we are discussing in some autonomous spaces in Russia the ‘modern revolutions’: the Arab spring, the Ukrainian Maidan (Euromaidan) and the revolts against the “bolibourgeoisie” in Venezuela that takes place nowadays. The results are always bad for the people. Even if society can protect freedom of speech, it is not able to cope with the oligarchy, corruption, poverty, police violence and gangsters.
One of the reasons of defeats of revolutions is that people are frustrated with the results (and false hopes) after the rebellion. The Parliamentary and party’s system (the older or “newest”) does not even reflect the interests of 99% of the population. Deputies can take any decisions -approximately- in 4 years, regardless of the opinions of voters. In addition, members of Parliament are associated with corporations, gangsters and their generalized interests. People get ‘free’ parliamentary elections and then they quickly come into economic depression -terrible and bloody revolutionary struggle was almost useless!-.
Another problem is the globalization of the modern economy. Great political and social instability lead to global business to remove their money from the ‘revolutionary’ countries. This leads to crisis of the economy.
Therefore, the result of modern democratic revolutions are depression, social passivity and poverty.

The community of Arantepakua in Michoacán, walks towards self-government after a massacre lived on April 5, 2017 that left 4 comuneros murdered by state police.
The only way show us some communal uprisings in México, a separate communes in Rojava or Spain (Marinaleda for example, without forgetting the memory that persists of 1936’s revolution). There activity of people take at the same time more radical and more constructive forms. Peoples expels the police, military, officials and politicians, cease to pay taxes to the State, creating Autonomous Municipalities based on direct power of the assemblies, and use their collective funds to create a new infrastructure, communal companies and a cooperative economy.
In this situation, the real power passed into the hands of the collective of inhabitants of the town. They can no longer blame anyone for their problems. Now their life depends on themselves, on the effectiveness of communitarian collective work, communitarian militia (in the Mexican case, the Community Police or Community Round) and the communitarian self-management of all social relations*.
Now, the way to take will be to create a new model organization: a Confederation of Autonomous Municipalities/Communities.
* To nurture these experiences, I recommend to read the articles about community uprisings of the Mexican writer Demián Revart in the portal o
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Do not mix between “revolts” in the margins of the world capitalist empire and the ultimate anti capitalist revolution of the masses in the center of the metropolitan areas of the empire.
The global neoliberal capitalist empire can contain “state socialism” and even municipal islands as long their threat to the main metropolitan areas are marginal.