Ethnography of the double Bind: A conversation with anarchist sociologist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui

 Paulo Ilich Bacca Published by Ruptura Colectiva (RC) Ritualizing the Memory It is a lively Tuesday in the second week of August 2016 in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, as I listen to the song Aylluman Kutiripuna (Let us Leer Más/Read More…

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More indigenous communities in Michoacán goes to self-government; them celebrate the 1st Meeting for the People’s Autonomy

In Table No. 2, it was said that for the peoples in struggle, the uses and customs are not only a concept, but a practice that goes back to the human value of history and social actions for community well-being. Leer Más/Read More…

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Индейская борьба и земельные конфликты

“Indigenous struggles and land conflicts in Latin America” Беспартия 27 мая, около полудня. Университет CIDECI-Unitierra в городке Сан-Кристобаль мексиканского штата Чьяпас принимает большой съезд, созванный Национальным индейским конгрессом (CNI). Всю ночь и рано утром шла регистрация, но и утром люди Leer Más/Read More…

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